Justin Cook's Blog.
A playground for Jamstack, Next.js and other learnings.
I am beyond excited to be learning Jamstack, the Next.js framework as well as related tools and technologies within the JavaScript ecosystem. I will share my learnings here.

Previous Posts
Netlify ignores redirects in next.config.js
When deploying my site on Netlify, I could not get redirects to work in next.config.js. Here is how.

Blitz.js vs. Next.js
Blitz.js is a meta-meta-framework that claims to pick up where Next.js leaves off. What are the differences?

When to use tRPC vs GraphQL
tRPC is a lightweight alternative to GraphQL. A quick pointform overview, pros and cons of each and suggested use cases.

Automatic cPanel backup (domain & MySQL) with cron & PHP
Schedule cPanel backups to run at regular intervals with cron. Handy for monolithic LAMP environments.

Convert an IP address to IP number with PHP, ASP, C# and VB.Net
Here are the functions in PHP, ASP, C# and VB.Net to convert and IP address from dot format to IP number format.

Upload Multiple Files at Once with PHP
With PHP, it is fairly simple to include a file field in a form to upload one file. But what if you need to upload multiple files at one time?

PHP - parse a string between two strings
This is a handy little function to strip out a string between two specified pieces of text.